Sunday, May 14, 2006

If only they counted correctly...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Colbert Hands it to the Monkey

colbert-monkey.jpgYou must see the video of my new hero, Stephen Colbert handing W’s ass to him from 8 feet away last week. Here’s with links to the video, and thousands of thank yous to him.

Mark Morford has a good take on the story, as usual.

Elisabeth, didn't you get it?


Elisabeth, How about some equal coverage of the REAL story that evening, the biting performance of Stephen Colbert? Isn't it worth a story that he humorously raised many questions Americans would ask if they the chance to speak to W. right to his face? Your article sounds like you are doing exactly what he charges the lapdog press corp of doing, transcribing the Whitehouse’s message. Please rethink your position, and take action.

Leo Stern
A Proud American

Monday, May 01, 2006

Rock Band Censored?

To Lisa Kreiger, Tower City general manager

Dear Ms. Kreiger,

I just read an article about how a band was censored while performing on your stage wearing a political t-shirt. I’m appalled. What happened to free speech? Is your mall some sovereign nation with its own constitution? You are in America and you know full well that a music group has rights granted with the first amendment to express their views.

Please rethink your position, and take action.

Leo Stern,
A Proud American